For reference, I will use these happy puppies as a focus group. Aren't puppies awesome?

Now you will notice that there are 6 awesomely cute puppies here. So my scale will goto 6.
The number of puppies who think John McCain is awesome? 2
The number of puppies who think Obama is awesome? 0
The number of puppies who think sniffing other puppies butts is awesome? 4
The number of puppies who would rather be John McCain's best friend? 3
The number of puppies who would rather be Barack Obama's best friend? 0
The number of puppies who would rather be chasing squirrels? 3
The number of puppies who think John McCain would be a good owner? 2
The number of puppies who think Barack Obama would be a good owner? 1
The number of puppies who think Barack Obama is a radical leftist associated with domestic terrorists? 3
The number of puppies who supported John McCain's stance against mandatory neutering? 4
The number of puppies who support Barack Obama's stance in favor of mandatory neutering? 0
The number of puppies who are just happy that Barack Obama didn't pass a bill allowing Veterinarians to place them in burlap sacks and throw them in the river after their birth? 6
So you can see from the above focus group that puppies are both: A) Awesome and B) Supporting McCain/Palin.
Puppies rule and are awesome.
Unless they are French Poodle puppies. Who are awesome, but definitely don't rule.
It's time for an awesomeness poll.
Which is more awesome: the Everything's Awesome blog or Ace of Spades HQ?
I know which way my awesome vote is going!
Now don't get me wrong. Puppies are indeed awesome. However, kitties are awesomely awesome. Just sayin'.
Wow, this is just fucking AWESOME!!!!11!@
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